What our Customers say...

Fire Damage Testimonials

SERVPRO really saved me after I tried cleaning my "small" fire. Maureen and her team came in and fixed my mess. I had no idea cleaning up your own fire would cause more problems. Cheryl was so nice to me I felt like I made a friend not just hired a company.

SERVPRO of Dearborn was a great help after our fire. They took special care with two very extremely heavy furniture pieces that had belonged to my late dad. Both pieces were old, fragile and very special to him and me. I'm so grateful to them for investing themselves in two things I couldn't bear to lose. I highly recommend them!

I am so impressed with the job you did fixing my home after my fire. Great job by each team member. A special thanks to Elizabeth for the hours she spent restoring my art work I thought lost forever. I am thrilled!

We appreciate the prompt professionalism and attention to detail after our fire. We will highly recommend you to other people in need.

This team was amazing - did a great job and really helped me feel better about the whole situation. Thank you so much.

The team was great! Very well organized in cleaning and reassembling our kitchen.

Cleaning crew was wonderful. The staff explained the everything they did as they went along.